What is the AgEnergy Platform?

AgroFossilFree will create an online “AgEnergy Platform” containing all available FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies   in the form of easily accessible and comprehensive end-user material following the EIP-Service Point format.

FEFTS deployment on the AgEnergy Platform
End-user material available on the AgEnergy Platform

What will the AgEnergy Platform do for you as a stakeholder?

The AgEnergy Platform will provide easy access to available FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies and allow you to interact with relevant stakeholders to express ideas and needs. As a stakeholder, you will be able to assess inventoried FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies and to rank the technologies according to your needs, relevance, applicability and feasibility.

The AgEnergy platform will include a Decision Support Tool which will help you to choose the most effective FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies for the specific needs of your farm by ranking the most appropriate investments, providing you with the means to plan the needed investments effectively.

The AgEnergy Platform will help you to answer the following questions

  • What technologies are available?
  • Where to get them?
  • What will be the benefits (i.e. how much will the production increase or how much money will be saved)?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How to get financing for the investment?

If you want to know more, please visit the AgEnergy Platform here!