Three online workshops will be conducted with stakeholders from all over Europe (farmers, industry, advisors, technicians, innovation brokers and policy makers) that will provide their insight on how FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies could be adopted in EU agriculture. Each workshop will be held annually after each batch of new FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies reaches the platform with extra topics to be discussed among the community. In this way, we aim to evaluate the interest of the members in the content of the platform, their ideas on how to optimise it and their ability to assess the FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies available.

National Innovation Multi-actor Workshops

Multi-actor workshops will be organized by the AgroFossilFree regional partners (3 per hub), where the existing national networks (RES related clusters, EIP national clusters and existing OGs) and farmers associations will be invited. The workshops will be organized based on:

  • Open-field agriculture
  • Greenhouses
  • Livestock buildings

Regional Workshops Methodology

In close collaboration with the relevant stakeholders, AgroFossilFree partners will select the most relevant FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies solutions (50-70) according to the subject of each workshop and the geographical and thematic scope of the research/extension partners. The selected FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies solutions will be presented in the workshops, allowing for:

  • giving feedback to the FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies research results to reach the farming community,
  • coming up with ideas for bringing the available FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies solutions into practice (adapted to specific regional conditions or different uses),
  • generating innovative uses for the existing FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies solutions, etc.

Research partners in AgroFossilFree will evaluate the ideas’ scalability, commercial value, resource requirements, etc. and will identify the partner ecosystem and the funding needed for lean start-up of innovation-based collaborative projects. Creation of new Operational Groups around FEFTS will be supported.

Transnational Workshops

Three transnational workshops will be organized based on: (i) open-field agriculture (Poland); (ii) greenhouses (Greece) and (iii) livestock facilities (Denmark), including all types of FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies . The workshops will allow generating exchanges between EU regions, disseminating results and practical solutions and creating cross-fertilisation and cross-border collaborations in specific FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies innovations. Relevant networks and groups will be invited to the transnational workshop.


Brokerage Event

One brokerage event will be organized in Brussels where selected stakeholders from the FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies community (farmers, energy systems producers, machinery manufacturers, advisors, innovation brokers, venture capitalists, etc.) of each of the 8 “hubs” will be invited to interconnect and come up with certain collaborations in research project consortia, business projects for new FEFTS Fossil-Energy-Free Technologies and Strategies development and training or advising schemes in European level. Success stories related to the capturing of grassroots-level ideas, regional innovation processes and the links between other projects and Operational Groups will also be presented.

Consultation Workshop

One consultation workshop with EC actors (i.e. DG AGRI, DG ENER, DG CLIMA, DG GROW, DG RTD, DG ENV, DG JRC) will be organized in Brussels for optimising the developed Policy Guidelines and maximizing their impact.

If you are interested in taking part on AFF workshops and activities on the 9 target countries, you can contact the AFF partner/s located in your country. Click your country and select a partner in the map.