Iniciativas Innovadoras (ININ) is a consultancy company specialized in promoting innovation and facilitating cooperation as key factors in the development of organisations. ININ has broad experience in different EU Programmes (FP6, FP7, H2020, PRIMA-Med, Ecoinnovation, European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG), Erasmus+, LIFE+, etc), participating either as partners or supporting public and private organizations. Only in the last five years ININ has or is participating in more than 40 R&I projects funded by different EU programmes in different field of expertise: local and rural development, smart farming, business cooperation, energy, environment, etc. Business Areas include:
- European Projects and Programmes: ININ is experienced playing two roles:
- Supporting public and/or private entities and organizations all along the Project Life Cycle of EU projects and programmes, from the idea generation, to the building of partnerships, the drafting of proposals and/or the coordination of projects.
- Leading dissemination and exploitation work packages carrying out all the activities related and coordinating partners.
- Business consulting services: ININ has conducted, among others, the Strategic Planning for the Association of Environmental companies and RTOs of Navarra, the study of business opportunities of the ICT sector in Navarra in the fields of biotechnology, renewable energies and nanotechnology and the study of the scientific and technological needs of Navarra, Rural Development Plan for the Pyrenees in Navarra, the Market Research at European level for a training tool on Smart Farming Technologies and the elaboration of the Business Model and Business Plan for this tool, design of Business Plan for private companies.
- Research & Innovation: support of companies and clusters on the development of innovation management processes, stimulation of collaborative R&I initiatives, design of technological innovation projects, and facilitation of international cooperation on R&D and innovation.
For AgroFossilFree project, ININ draws on its experience in dissemination and communication in H2020 projects in the Agricultural field, i.e. UNTWIST, PANACEA, ReMIX, Smart-AKIS and GATES, in all of them being leader of the Dissemination Work Package. ININ also has also performed technical work in H2020 projects in the agriculture field, i.e. RECAP as responsible of Pilot deployment and GATES developing market research and business planning. In AgroFossilFree project, ININ will be leading WP5 (Dissemination& Exploitation), producing, updating and evaluating the Dissemination Plan and monitoring its proper implementation throughout the project’s lifetime. ININ will be responsible for the production of the dissemination materials and tools, including the project website and social media. ININ will also coordinate and provide guidelines for the organisation and reporting of planned transfer activities