Links to EU Organisms and Initiatives
AgroFossilFree will establish a direct link to the following EU organisms and initiatives in order to optimize its activities and maximize the impact of the project:
- EIP-AGRI: The agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) works to foster competitive and sustainable farming and forestry that ‘achieves more and better from less’. It contributes to ensuring a steady supply of food, feed and biomaterials, developing its work in harmony with the essential natural resources on which farming depends.
- DG AGRI: The Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) is responsible for EU policy on agriculture and rural development and deals with all aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP).
- DG CLIMA: The Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) leads the European Commission’s efforts to fight climate change at EU and international level
- DG GROW: The Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is responsible for EU policy on the single market, industry, entrepreneurship and small businesses.
- DG ENERGY: This Commission department is responsible for the EU’s energy policy: secure, sustainable, and competitively priced energy for Europe
- DG DEVCO: The Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) is responsible for designing European international cooperation and development policy and delivering aid throughout the world.
- DG JRC: The Joint Research Centre is the Commission’s science and knowledge service. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU policy.
- EERA AISBL: The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA AISBL) is a non-profit Association that contributes to the coordination of a massive public research effort to develop more efficient and cheaper low carbon energy technologies. EERA is the public research pillar of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan).
- The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan): is a key stepping-stone to boost the transition towards a climate neutral energy system through the development of low-carbon technologies in a fast and cost-competitive way.
- SCAR: Standing Committee on Agricultural Research.
- ENRD: European Network for Rural Development.
- S3P Agri-Food: Smart Specialisation Platform for Agri-Food.
- COPA-COGECA: European Farmers and Agri-cooperatives associations.
- ESA: European Society for Agronomy.
- ETP: European Technology Platforms.
Links to related EU-PROJECTS
AgroFossilFree will establish links and created synergies with all on-going and future EU projects (H2020, LIFE+, ERASMUS+, etc.) that are working on subjects related to FEFTS application in EU agriculture, but also other projects that are mainly about de-fossilisation systems in other sectors than agriculture and could be helpful on our project’s goals achievement. Some of those projects are:
AgroBioHeat (H2020, 2019-2021) AgroBioHeat aims to produce a mass deployment of improved and market ready agrobiomass heating solutions in Europe. Agrobiomass is a large, underexploited and indigenous resource, which can support the achievement of the European Energy and Climate targets, while promoting rural development and circular economy.
BABET-REAL5 (H2020, 2016-2020). The main aim of BABET-REAL5 is to develop an alternative solution for the production of second generation ethanol based on smaller industrial scale than the already realised plants of first generation ethanol. Such plants of small industrial scale shall be applicable to a large number of countries, rural areas and feedstock.
BECOOP (H2020 2020-2023). The ambition of BECoop project is to foster a broad deployment of bioenergy technologies across Europe, by providing the necessary conditions and support tools for unlocking the underlying market potential of community bioenergy. The project also hopes to create links with the international bioenergy community and foster new partnerships.
BE-Rural (H2020, 2019-2022). BE-Rural supports the establishment of regional and local bio-based economies by involving relevant actors in the development of bioeconomy strategies and roadmaps. The analysis of the target regions will help to assess the ‘bioeconomy potential’ of each selected region and a series of regional Open Innovation Platforms will be implemented to kick-start the cocreation process, bringing together key stakeholders to develop ideas and capitalize on their bioeconomy potential.
BIOPLAT-EU (H2020, 2018-2021). The objective of the project is to promote the market uptake of sustainable bioenergy in Europe using marginal, underutilized, and contaminated lands for non-food biomass production through the provision of a web-based platform that serves as decision support tool.
BIORURAL: (HORIZON EUROPE, 2022-2025). BioRural’s goal is to create a European Rural Bioeconomy Network to promote small-scale bio-based solutions in rural areas and support the transition towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive and just circular Bioeconomy across all Europe at local and regional scale. BioRural will achieve this through a three-pillar intervention scheme that feeds into a publicly available BioRural Toolkit that creates a wide network of collaborative stakeholders on a regional and European level; assesses the existing European rural Bioeconomy and captures grassroots-level needs and ideas for the adoption of biobased solutions; includes a range of small scale bio-based success stories; promotes effective exchange of knowledge and information through a series of workshops; holds a bioeconomy challenge for new practical bio-based solutions; and develops rural Business model blueprints for Bioeconomy businesses from conception to scale.
COME RES (H2020, 2020-2023) aims to increase the share of renewable energy in the electricity sector. To do so, the project focusses on advancing renewable energy communities in nine European countries learning from regions with advanced community energy development and supporting target regions with the potential to further develop energy communities
Compile (H2020, 2018-2022). The main aim of COMPILE is to show the opportunities of energy islands for decarbonisation of energy supply, community building and creating environmental and socioeconomic benefits. COMPILE fosters the development of local energy systems and sources through innovative storage solutions supported by new organisational measures and business models, with the objective to support the transition from centralised system with passive users into a flexible network of active users forming energy communities in energy islands.
ECCO (Interreg North-West Europe, 2017-2021) ECCO aims to accelerate the growth of local Energy Community Co-Operatives (ECCOs), both in effectiveness and in numbers. Especially rural areas and farmers offer the physical and social resources needed for a decentralised, community-based approach to providing RES. The project wants to achieve this by bringing ECCOs together and linking them up with relevant sources of knowledge from North West Europe to overcome the barriers they face.
FLEXcoop (H2020, 2017-2020). FLEXCoop introduces an end-to-end automated demand response optimisation framework. It enables the raise of novel business models, allowing energy cooperatives to introduce themselves in energy markets under the role of an aggregator. It equips cooperatives with innovative and highly effective tools to establish robust business practices in order to exploit their microgrids and virtual power plants as balancing and ancillary assets for grid stability.
HyperFarm (H2020, 2020-2023). The project aims to demonstrate combined agrovoltaic systems, with dual land use for crop production and simultaneous power production. HyperFarm joins multiple types of actors with the objective to optimize viable agrivoltaic business models as well as test the marketability of the products, via inclusion of new innovative photovoltaic technologies, radically new crop production systems, stakeholder innovation workshops, and citizen-consumer acceptance, public perception analysis and farmer adoption studies. HyPErFarm also develops and demonstrates new ways of utilizing and distributing the energy produced on-farm.
IoF 2020 (H2020 2017-2020). Large Scale Pilots H2020 aims to deploy IoT solutions in European agriculture through integration of advanced IoT technologies across the value chain, demonstration of multiple IoT applications at scale and in a usage context, including value creation in terms of increased efficiency, energy reduction, etc.
NEFERTITI (H2020 2018-2022) is a unique project that establishes 10 interactive thematic networks and bring together 45 regional clusters (hubs) of demo-farmers and the involved actors (advisors, NGOs, industry, education, researchers and policy makers) in 17 countries. NEFERTITI focuses on creating added value from the exchange of knowledge, actors, farmers and technical content over the networks in order to boost innovation uptake, to improve peer to peer learning and network connectivity between farms actors across Europe, thus contributing to a more competitive, sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.
RENAISSANCE (H2020, 2020-2023). The project aim is to deliver a community-driven scalable and replicable approach, to implement new business models and technologies supporting clean production and shared distribution of energy in local communities.
RES4LIVE (H2020, 2020-2023). The project will deal with the adaptation of RES technologies and machinery and their demonstration at a large-scale on farm level that require supporting measures with respect to spatial planning, infrastructure, different business models and market organisation, trends that are not all under control from a farmer’s perspective.
SmartProtect (H2020, 2020-2022) project has developed a Thematic Network entitled SmartProtect platform that compiles innovative modern IPM solutions for vegetable production that are ready for practice. Application techniques, Decision Support systems, Diagnostics and Detection techniques, as well as Monitoring techniques are accessible regarding bacteria, beneficials, fungi, insects, mites, nematodes and viruses in a multilingual tool that operates in 12 different languages (Dutch, French, German, Estonian, Slovenian, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Latvian, Greek, and Hungarian) and allows effective knowledge transfer.
TheGreefa (H2020, 2020-2023). The project is aimed at a new technology for heating, cooling, air humidity control and water recovery in greenhouses as well as for drying of agricultural goods using thermo-chemical conversion principles based on the use of salt solutions (thermochemical fluids).
WiseGRID (H2020, 2016-2020). The WiseGRID project provides a set of solutions, technologies and business models which increase the smartness, stability and security of an open, consumer-centric European energy grid and provide cleaner and more affordable energy for European citizens, through an enhanced use of storage technologies and electro-mobility and a highly increased share of Renewable Energy Resources. It aims to deliver the tools and business models that will facilitate the creation of an open market and enable all energy stakeholders to play an active role towards a democratic energy transition.