All the Practice Abstracts generated during the life cycle of AGROFOSSILFREE project will be periodically uploaded to the website. These abstracts are a useful dissemination tool to share the updates and outcomes of AGROFOSSILFREE.

Throughout the project’s lifetime, a total of 59 abstracts have been developed mainly based on the outcomes of the deliverables and regional workshops.

The content of each practice abstract is provided in English and in the native language of the partner who has prepared it.
Please note that the second batch of practice abstracts has not yet been validated by EIP-AGRI (22-59).



  1. Strategies and Technologies to achieve a European Fossil Energy Free Agriculture
    Languages: English / Spanish
  2. First online workshop
    Languages: English / Spanish
  3. Direct energy use in open field agriculture in the EU: A critical review recommending energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources adoption
    Languages: English / Greek
  4. Direct energy use in the EU Livestock Sector: A review recommending energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources adoption
    Languages: English / Greek
  5. Energy use in greenhouses in the EU: A review recommending energy: efficiency measures and renewable energy sources adoption
    Languages: English / Greek
  6. Fertiliser and pesticide use in EU agriculture
    Languages: English / Greek
  7. Energy use associated with animal feed: A review recommending energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources adoption
    Languages: English / Greek
  8. Adoption VS non adoption of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) on farms
    Languages: English / Greek
  9. Adoption VS Non adoption of Energy Efficiency Technologies and Practices on farms
    Languages: English / Greek
  10. Experts’ opinions on the adoption of Fossil Energy Free Technologies and Strategies (FEFTS)
    Languages: English / Greek
  11. Scientific Papers on FEFTS and relevant report
    Languages: English / Greek
  12. Overview of Research Projects on FEFTS
    Languages: English / Polish
  13. Report on industrial FEFTS solutions
    English / German
  14. Training and Advising FEFTS Material
    Languages: English / German
  15. Financing tools in EU for a fossil free agriculture
    Languages: English / Danish
  16. Fendt e100 Vario The battery powered compact tractor
    Languages: English
    Languages: English
  18. EOX-175 Electrical tractor H 2 Trac
    Languages: English / Dutch
  19. Warehouse of the future Van Peperstraten
    Languages: English / Dutch
  20. First Spanish regional workshop
    Languages: English / Spanish
  21. AgEnergy platform
    Languages: English / Greek
  22. Enabling the creation and growth of energy communities in rural areas
    Languages: English / Dutch
  23. Farm Energy Audits
    Languages: English / Greek
  24. European Low Energy/Carbon Label of Agricultural Products
    Languages: English
  25. Agrivoltaics for open-field agriculture
    Languages: English
  26. Alternative Fuels for Agricultural Machinery
    Languages: English
  27. Precision Agriculture as Energy Consumption Reduction Strategy
    Languages: English / Greek
  28. Carbon Farming for Carbon Removals
    Languages: English
  29. Conservation Agriculture to enhance soil carbon stock and reduce GHG emissions in European Agriculture
    Languages: English / Spanish
  30. Alternative crop nutrient providers (Green Fertilisers / Biofertilisers, biostimulants / Biochar)
    Languages: English
  31. Building Management Systems (BMS) for Agricultural Constructions
    Languages: English / Greek
  32. Heat pumps for HVAC of agricultural constructions
    Languages: English / Greek
  33. Photovoltaics (PV) and Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) Collectors and Systems for agricultural constructions rooftops
    Languages: English / Greek
  34. Biogas production from agricultural waste and other innovative feedstock / Biomethane upgrading for local consumption or grid injection
    Languages: English / Greek
  35. Facilitating the development of energy-independent farming in Livestock
    Languages: English
  36. Livestock building energy upgrading/renovation
    Languages: English / Danish
  37. The use of thermochemical fluids for energy saving and storage in agriculture
    Languages: English
  38. Financial Support to Fossil Energy Free Technologies and Strategies (FEFTS)
    Languages: English
  39. Regulatory support to Fossil Energy Free Technologies and Strategies (FEFTS)
    Languages: English
  40. Technology, Knowledge Transfer, and Awareness Building provisions to support Fossil Energy Free Technologies and Strategies (FEFTS) diffusion
    Languages: English
  41. Brite Solar: A nanotechnology company developing materials for solar glass applications in agriculture.
    Languages: English / Greek
  42. GB Hybrid- strip-till and subsoiler
    Languages: English / Polish
  43. Successful experiences in Conservation Agriculture
    Languages: English / Spanish
  44. Landschapsenergie cv, Bocholt / Belgium
    Languages: English / Dutch
  45. Solet – Solar panels and systems for private and business
    Languages: English / Danish
  46. SkyClean – Stiesdal Fuel Technologies
    Languages: English / Danish
  47. Madsen Bioenergi – BIogas Plant
    Languages: English / Danish
  48. FarmDroid field robot
    Languages: English / Danish
  49. Green protein to replace in feed
    Languages: English / Danish
  50. Development of green protein refinery from clover grass to replace soya in feed to monogastric animals in Denmark
    Languages: English / Danish
  51. Tenuta di Bagnoli 
    Languages: English / Italian
  52. JMP Flowers greenhouse complex
    Languages: English / Polish
  53. Pustelnia Fish Farm
    Languages: English / Polish
  54. Decision Support Tool
    Languages: English / Greek
  55. Sustainable storage barn
    Languages: English / Dutch
  56. BHSL Waste to Energy Case Study
    Languages: English
  57. Novel seaweed-based crop biostimulant
    Languages: English
  58. The AgroFossilFree Project links with the European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
    Languages: English / German
  59. The AgroFossilFree Project Intersects with the European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition
    Languages: English / German