


Belgium is the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives. We are a growing network of 1500 energy cooperatives and represent over 1 million EU citizens in the energy transition. Our members operate across the entire European continent and engage in a broad range of activities: energy cooperatives typically build projects and services around renewable energy productions, energy supply, electric carsharing, energy efficiency, flexibility including collective self-consumption, storage, and demand response. Through, these citizens and cooperatives wish to make their voices heard in the European energy debates. They after all are the ones who will be paying for the transition to a more sustainable energy system. has four well-defined objectives and wants to accelerate an energy transition to energy democracy.

· We represent the voice of citizens and citizen energy cooperatives to European policy makers

· We actively support the start-up of new energy communities and foster collaborations amongst them

· We develop services around business intelligence, community engagement, finance and emobility

· We promote the cooperative business model in the energy sector teams up with AgroFossilFree to bring to surface its experience on community engagement and cooperative business models, as well as to support community energy projects of different natures throughout the different stages of the project development cycle. Furthermore, we will bring in our extensive expertise and experience on regulatory and policy aspects related to the energy market and energy communities, share expertise on community engagement and cooperative business models (WP1 and WP2), lead a stakeholder mapping exercise (WP3), and support the communication and dissemination actions by means of sharing project related updates within our network of cooperatives and EU policy makers (WP4 and WP5)